Duties and Responsibilities
Selects and constructs the extra corporeal circuit,
Selection should be based on safety related to tlpe and amount of material used, procedure
performed and sterility of products.
Construction should be based on sterile procedures and safe connections.
Selects priming consistence and procedures of the Extra Corporeal Circuit.
The Perfirsionist shall participate in efforts to minimize hemodilution and avoid unnecessary blood
transfusions. The Perfusionist shall minimize the cardiopulmonary blpass (CPB) circuit size to reduce
prime volume.
Maintains anticoagulation to ensure the quality assurance point of care test (POCT) of
anticoagulation measurement equipment.
Supports Circulation
Target blood flow rates shall be determined prior to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) according to
protocol. The Perfusionist shall work closely with the surgical care team to maintain targeted blood
flow rate during CPB.
Application URLCopyright @2023 Design & Developed by Job Helper