Nasser Bin Khaled and Sons Doha, Qatar

Insurance Service Coordinator

  • Doha
  • Nasser Bin Khaled and Sons Doha, Qatar
  • Posted date: 8 months before
  • End date: 2024-05-29

No longer available to submit
لم يعد متاحا لتقديم

Job Title: Insurance Service Coordinator

Job In Doha

Company: Nasser Bin Khaled and Sons Doha, Qatar

Start Date: 2024-05-14

End Date: 2024-05-29

Job Description

  • If there's a price variance or any additional parts required for daily work, written or email approval from the surveyor or insurance company must be obtained.
  • Recovery letters for LPOs need to be collected from both insurance companies.
  • It's essential to regularly monitor work orders to ensure timely billing to insurance and customer accounts for prompt payment.
  • Any delays in LPOs or additional estimates should be brought to the attention of the manager or reception manager.
  • Keep track of invoice statuses with the finance team and focus on the reconciliation process through the claims department to expedite invoice settlements.
  • Verify all insurance claims and invoices, ensuring all necessary documents are attached and prepare them for submission.
  • Submit invoices to insurance companies and obtain acknowledgment of receipt.
  • Collaborate with service advisors and reception staff to resolve insurance issues.
  • Recommend all insurance companies to bring their multi-brand vehicles to our workshop for repairs to increase revenue targets.
  • Provide customers with clear explanations regarding vehicle repairs and insurance claims to address their concerns effectively.
Application URL

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