1. General principles: · Wear proper clothes to appear good at work site/office and during the trips. · Never forgot that you are CONCERN WW representative, and as such be always polite, professional and resourceful. · Always carry your mobile phone with you (charged and with credit), so you can have communication with Concern WW staff at any time during duty hours or urgent matters need during the vacation. · Check regularly that the logbook and the mileage are matching · When driver is informed about pick and drop of CONCERN WW staff/Guest at airports and borders, the driver needs to make sure detail such as: - o Full Name. o Port of arrival (border/airport) o Arrival Means (car for border /Flight details for airport pickups) o Arrival Time. o Pick up point. o Check that the logbook is filled correctly and signed after each trip. o Any other task as requested by the line manager 2. Maintenance · Fill the daily check list form. · Adjust the seat, mirrors and check safety belt. · During the handover of the car, check every day, § The lights and indicators. § The vehicle appearance § The state of each tire. § Fuel tank (must be 50% full at minimum) · Make sure that the fuel is enough for your trip that you have been assigned and also during hand over of the car if you are aware about the next trip by the other driver. · Report any malfunction to the logistician immediately in a writing or verbally (if you are on a trip/travel). · Update daily the log-book for each trip (km start—km stop — hour departure time —arrival to destination) get it signed by passenger. · Ensure you have spare tire all the time and in a good condition for replacement. · Ensure you have standard necessary mechanical tools at your car, to maintain your car during a journey. 3. Safety and security · The safety of passengers is your main responsibility. Ask all of them to fasten their seat belt (including back seated), passengers before starting the vehicle. · Responsible to respect and obey Traffic rule and Regulations. · Respect the limits, and reduce the vehicle speed when you reach places like markets, schools, workshop places, etc. · Keep a responsible distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. · Respect traffic lights, and give priority in circles or after stop signs · Respect the travel timing. It's the driver’s responsibility to alert the passenger about the time needed for each journey. If the passenger is late, it’s NOT the driver responsibilities to arrive on time (inform your line manager). · Ensure you always carry Water bottles (min. 3-4 litter for 2 person) when you need go to remote areas (borders... or long journeys). · You may need to remind the passenger that it‘s not your fault in case being late. · Don’t ever leave the vehicle open and the keys inside even for a short period of time. · Don’t allow strangers or unauthorized persons to use the vehicle, nor the pick and drop of strangers is allowed. · Report any incident or accident immediately to the logistician. Use the accident report declare any accident (your line manager will support you for writing the report). · After dropping a passenger, the diver is responsible to check that nothing was forgotten inside the vehicle. · Clean the vehicle by end of the day.
The use of the vehicle for private needs or the transportation of persons not involved in CONCERN WW without the authorization of coordination is STRICLY FORBIDDEN. 4. Other duties · Assist you colleagues and the logistics staff in loading and offloading items purchased for office use (office supplies, water, cleaning material etc.) samples received from supplier etc. · Any other duties assigned by line manager
1-2 years relevant experience required.
Candidates are requested to provide the following information in their applications:
to this email address: iraq.jobs@concern.net
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